EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey
The EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey builds on an accumulated 10 years’ experience of the IEMed’s Euromed Survey and aims to generate first-hand data and evidence on European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) related policies and priorities that can be of direct use for policy-makers and other stakeholders, and contribute to evidence-based research and inclusive policy-making. It also serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness among various constituencies such as academia, media, NGOs, companies, international organisations, governments´ representatives and diplomats familiar with regional and national ENP South issues to mobilise all sorts of experts, giving them the possibility to express their assessment and perception and put forward recommendations.
The survey report presents an analysis of the results including a descriptive report that provides an overall picture of the main results and a qualitative report containing analytical articles written by renowned experts that echo some specific results, offering keys to better understand some of the main issues at stake.
Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed pre-existing social and economic vulnerabilities in the Mediterranean region. With the Joint Communication on a Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, inclusiveness has become a new paradigm for action for the European Union. The New Agenda aims at building fairer and more inclusive societies by fostering social and labour rights, reducing inequalities, and seizing the opportunities of the green and digital transitions to put people at the core of economies.
The survey “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean” aims to reflect on the social dimension of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and on inclusiveness in Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs).
The survey targeted respondents from the EU and SMCs, including policymakers, experts, and civil society representatives to put forward priorities related to the cooperation between the EU and SMCs on these social aspects, paving the way for an evidence-driven approach for an inclusive debate on the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and its different components. This report analyses the main results from this exercise, conducted in September and October 2022. It provides valuable insights on the understanding of a variety of experts and actors on cooperation matters, on building fairer and more inclusive societies, fostering social and labour rights, reducing inequalities and bolstering the prospective socioeconomic opportunities offered by green and digital transitions.
Descriptive Report – Main results
Social Justice and Inclusiveness
Qualitative report
Mapping the Contemporary Causes of Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs)
Ahmed Aref, Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath. تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Navigating Turbulent Waters: The Compounding Effects of a Pandemic and a War on the Mediterranean Basin
Farah Al Shami, Senior Fellow-Arab Reform Initiative (ARI). تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Cooperation Priorities in Promoting Job Creation and Inclusive Economies
Zafiris Tzannatos, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies and Jordan Strategy Forum and Violetta Dalla, Department of Economics, University of Athens. تحميل المنشور بالعربية /Read it also in Arabic.
Social Economy Enterprises in the EuroMediterranean Region: a Pathway for an Economy that Works for People and the Planet
Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of the Spanish Confederation of Social Economy Enterprises and Social Economy Europe. تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Inclusive Green Economy Transition between Constraints and Opportunities
Desirée A.L. Quagliarotti, CNR-ISMed, Naples. تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Rethinking the Digital Transition from an Accessibility to a Capability Approach
Tin Hinane El-Kadi, London School of Economics. تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Persistent Youth Exclusion: The DeepRooted Threat South the MediterraneanTurning the Euro-Moroccan Tide: A Reappraisal of Migration Cooperation beyond Existing Areas of Engagement
Hussein Suleiman, Researcher at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS). تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
What Options Exist to Promote Migrant Inclusiveness in Southern Mediterranean Countries?
Jamie Slater, Junior Policy Officer, European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Towards an Inclusive Mediterranean: Understanding and Tackling Gender-Related Paradoxes
Karine Moukaddem, PhD Candidate at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), AixMarseille University (AMU), France. تحميل المنشور بالعربية / Read it also in Arabic.
Watch the video of the results on our YouTube Channel.