Country Event Egypt: Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean
20 October 2022
Labelled as “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean – Egypt Country Event”, the fourth country event of the Annual Conference is held in Cairo, Egypt on 19-20 October.
This country event is co-organised with the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS):
08h45-09h00 Welcome Remarks & Opening Session
09h00-11h00 Plenary Session 1: Towards Stronger and more Inclusive Social Protection Programmes
Moderator: Hanaa Ebeid
Senior Researcher, Editor-in-Chief of Democracy Review
ACPSS – Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Mervet Sabrine
Assistant Minister for Protection and Social Safety Nets
Ministry of Social Solidarity
Amira El Shal
Senior Policy Manager, Middle East and North Africa
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
Salma Hussein
Regional Research Manager, Department for Middle East and North Africa
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Farah Al Shami
Senior Fellow and Director of the Social Protection Program
ARI – Arab Reform Initiative
11h00-11h30 Coffee Break
11h30-13h30 Plenary 2: Putting People at the Center of Sustainable Environmental Policies
Subthemes: inclusive access to resources: energy, water; green economy/green finance
Amira Hossam
Associate Minister for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development
Ahmed Kandil
Senior Fellow and Head of Energy Studies Program
ACPSS – Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
13h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-16h00 Working Session: Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, safe, and sustainable resources in Egypt
Papers presentations and discussion: original EuroMeSCo papers selected from the Call for Papers
Moderator: Justine Belaid
EuroMeSCo Research Officer
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)