Towards more Social Justice and Inclusiveness in the Mediterranean
Labelled as “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean”, the 2022 EuroMeSCo Annual Conference took the form of four in-person country events in Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia and Egypt, and a closing event in Brussels.
These events offered a platform for further discussions on the implementation of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean focusing on the theme of Social Justice and Inclusiveness and involved mixed groups of representatives from think tanks, academic institutions, civil society organisations, and business community representatives, as well as EU and government officials.
Within the framework of the project EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), these country events were organised in collaboration with some of the partners of its Consortium.
June 28th · 2022

Maria Hadjitheodosiou. Ambassador, EU Delegation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Senén Florensa. Executive President, IEMed – The European Institute of the Mediterranean
HRH Princess Sumaya Bint el Hassan. President, Royal Scientific Society

Majd Al Naber. Senior Researcher, The West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute
H. E Eng. Nabil Assaffao. Resident Representative in Jordan, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Haizam Amirah-Fernández. Senior Analyst, Mediterranean and Arab World, Elcano Royal Institute
H.E. Mary Kawar. Former Jordanian Minister for Planning and International Cooperation
Abdelkader El Khissassi. Deputy Secretary General, Economic Development and EmploymentUfM – Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean

Reem AlHaddadin. Sustainable development researcher, The West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute
Diana Athamneh. Energy Consultant
Dina El-Heyari. Energy/AI Engineer, Algebra Intelligence
Karolina Zubel. Economist, CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research

James Moran. Associate Senior Research Fellow, CEPS – Centre for European Policy Studies
October 19th · 2022

Mohammed Fayez Farhat. Director, ACPSS – Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Senén Florensa. Executive President, IEMed – The European Institute of the Mediterranean
Christian Berger. Head, European Union Delegation to Egypt

Hanaa Ebeid. Senior Researcher, Editor-in-Chief of Democracy Review, ACPSS – Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Mervet Sabrine. Assistant Minister for Protection and Social Safety Nets, Ministry of Social Solidarity
Howeida Roman. Expert, National Center for Social and Criminal Research
Nahla Zeitoun. Senior Social Protection Specialist, World Bank
Amira El Shal. Senior Policy Manager, Middle East and North Africa, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
Salma Hussein. Regional Research Manager, Department for Middle East and North Africa, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Farah Al Shami. Research Fellow, ARI – Arab Reform Initiative

Dina Shehata. Senior Expert, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS)
Mohammed Alaa. Head of Human Rights Unit, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development
Amira Hossam. Associate Minister for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development
Ingy Abdelhamid. Expert, National Center for Social and Criminal Research
Ashraf Amin. Head of the Scientific Department, Al-Ahram Newspaper
Ahmed Kandil. Senior Fellow and Head of Energy Studies Program, ACPSS – Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies

Justine Belaid. EuroMeSCo Research Officer, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Aya Badr. Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University
Yana Popkostova. Associate Analyst, EU ISS – European Union Institute for Security Studies
November 30th · 2022

Dimitris Dimitradis. REX President, European Economic and Social Committee – EESC
Amb. Senén Florensa. Executive President of the European Institute of the Mediterranean – IEMed
Henrike Trautmann. Acting Director, Neighbourhood South and Turkey, Directorate-Genera for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, DG NEAR, European Commission
Katarina Ivankovic-Knezevic. Director, Social Rights and Inclusion, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – DG EMPL D, European Commission

Presentation of takeaways from the Country Events.
Roger Albinyana. Managing Director, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Morocco. Hamza Saoudi (Policy Center for the New South – PCNS):
Youth and women’s inclusion in the labour market: challenges and opportunities for the Mediterranean region
Jordan. Majd Al Naber (West Asia North Africa Institute – WANA):
Interlinkages between social justice and sustainable development
Tunisia. Zied Boussen (Arab Reform Initiative – ARI):
Addressing vulnerabilities, mainstreaming inclusiveness in public policy reforms
Egypt. Rabha Allam (Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies – ACPSS):
Towards more Social Justice and Inclusiveness in Egypt
Policy perspectives from the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Union for the Mediterranean:
Abdelkader El Khissassi. Deputy Secretary General, Economic Development and Employment, Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean – UfM
Ingrid Schwaiger. Director, Social Rights and Inclusion, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG EMPL D, European Commission.
Beatriz Salvador Garcia. Deputy Head of Division, Regional Affairs, Middle East and North Africa, European External Action Service

Promoting more inclusive and fair societies not only requires improving the situation of specific groups, but also acting against the impunity of others and establishing strong accountability mechanisms. Corruption is a major cause of the lack of trust of citizens in their system. It deprives the economy of major resources that could be used for the benefit of all and in some countries, it largely explains the shortcomings of public services. In its New Agenda for the Mediterranean, the EU renewed its commitment to the rule of law, democracy and good governance as the bedrock for stable fair, inclusive and prosperous societies. The promotion of modern, efficient and accountable public institutions and policies and the fight against corruption are key priorities for the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. These multistakeholder dialogue platforms will analyse anti-corruption policies, accountability mechanisms and public administration reforms to boost predictability, transparency, and accountability.

The Business Platform will look into the opportunities private sector cooperation offers to promote business integrity and transparency.
Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria. Director of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department, EuroMeSCo, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Setting the Scene
Alain Bifani. Founding president, Lebanese Citizen Foundation
Aymen Belgacem. Economist, International Monetary Fund.* Informality, Development and the Business Cycle in North Africa. Takeaways from an IMF recent publication.
Ahmed Bastawy. Managing Director, ICEALEX
Jihen Boutiba. Director General, BUSINESSMED
Arkan El-Seblani. Chief Technical Advisor, UNDP Arab States
Hussam Hawwa. Chief Executive Officer, Difaf Sal
Diane Pallez. Policy Analyst, Anti-corruption, Middle East and Africa Division, Global Relations Secretariat, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The Civil Society Platform will explore the role of civil society in monitoring the implementation of reforms and in ensuring better service delivery, accountability and transparency.
Jenny Gilbert. Project Manager, EuroMeSCo, Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Setting the Scene
Carole Alsharabati. Founder and Member, Sakker El Dekkene
Achref Aouadi. Founder and former President, iWatch
Karim Belhaj Aissa. Regional Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, UNCAC Coalition
Abdelaziz Nouaydi. Secretary General, Transparency Maroc
Shereen Talaat. Co-Director MENA, Arab Watch Coalition (AWC)
Lora Ujkaj. Policy Officer, Rule of Law, Governance and Security, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Operations, DG NEAR A2, European Commission

See the Country Event Morocco report
See the Country Event Jordan report
See the Country Event Tunisia report
Past Conferences
Media information
Members of the press are invited to cover EuroMeSCo Annual Conference. Registration for coverage is required. To register, ask for more information or request an interview, please get in contact with the IEMed Press Office (contact below)
Jordi Bertran
Jefe de prensa / Press Officer
T +34 932 449 854/0 | Mb +34 647 333 030
The Twitter hashtag for the event will be #euromesco2022
Ana López
Events and Dialogue Officer of the EuroMeSco Project
T +34 932 449 850
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Online Publications – Any article or interview related to EuroMeSCo Annual Conference should mention EuroMeSCo Annual Conference.
Photos – Any photos published from EuroMeSCo Annual Conference should mention EuroMeSCo Annual Conference.