Policy Brief

Walking a Thin Line: The Role of Think Tanks in Arab Transitions and Foreign Support

February 2013


The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), in collaboration with EuroMeSCo, is implementing a programme to strengthen the capacities of think tanks and research institutes in Mediterranean countries funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). So far, two workshops have been organised in Brussels and Madrid and another two will be held soon in Morocco and Egypt.

This policy brief reflects upon the results of the workshop “Rethinking the Role of Think Tanks and Research Institutes and EU Policies towards the Mediterranean”, held in Madrid on 14th December 2012 and organised in collaboration with Real Instituto Elcano and FRIDE. It argues that Arab think tanks can shape political transformations in the region by informing, convening and advocating democratic reform. It also presents a set of recommendations for external powers such as the European Union in support of Arab think tanks.

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