Institute for Prospective and Advanced Strategic and Security Studies
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IPASSS - Institute for Prospective and Advanced Strategic and Security Studies

Mission and objectives

IPASSS is a Tunisian based think specializes in Defense and Security issues, Geo-Strategy Analysis, and capacity building in cyber security and technologies.

IPASSS stands alone among the best Strategy and Security Think Tanks in the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa Regions. Composed of open source analysts with special interests in MENA and Sahel, social media, civil society, and intelligence experts to name a few.

IPASSS field of research is focused on the following areas: Defense and Security, including global security, military action, conflict management, and peace making/keeping process; Geo-Political Analysis, tackling geo-political studies, economic intelligence outlook, and strategic forecasts (big-data modelling, patterns, and effects); and Cyber-Security and Technology on surveillance and privacy, integration of military systems, machine learning, threat anticipation systems, offensive and defensive cyber capabilities and big data methodologies and behavior-graphics insights

IPASSS works with the following Think tank and/or networks: LIAS (The Libyan Institute for Advanced Studies), National Agency on National Security (ANSI), Institute on Human Development (IDH), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (K.A.S), and Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (D.C.A.F).

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