21 February 2019

European Parliament calls for suspension accession negotiations with Turkey

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP) called on the European Commission and Member States to suspend EU accession negotiations with Turkey. Human rights and civil liberties violations, influence on the judiciary, undermining of democracy and the rule of law, and disputes over territory with Cyprus and other neighbours have been enumerated as reasons justifying this position. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy deplored the vote and stated that “It is absolutely unacceptable that the non-binding, advisory draft report is calling for a total suspension of our accession talks to the EU”. He also said that Turkey expects “the necessary corrections to be made and the final report to be more realistic, impartial and encouraging.” European Parliament member Marietje Schaake commented on this development and firmly declared that the combination of systematic human rights violations and constitutional changes make “Turkey’s accession to the EU impossible at this stage. The message of the Parliament today is crystal clear. We attach consequences to Erdogan’s authoritarian grip on power.” The vote by the Foreign Affairs committee of the EP was to accept a draft advisory report on Turkey and it is expected to be voted by the entire EP in its next plenary session in Strasbourg, on 11 March.

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