Call for Trainers EuroMeSCo Workout 2021
As part of the project “EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots” co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), a Call for Trainers has been launched. Selected trainers will conduct EuroMeSCo Workout courses foreseen between March and July 2021, along the lines detailed in the terms of reference.
The aim of EuroMeSCo Workout is to build up research skills and capacities of think tankers and researchers from the EuroMeSCo network, as a matter of priority.
- Policy Recommendations: The Key to Influence.
- Policy Papers: Do’s and Don’ts.
- Foresight Techniques for Research and Think Tank Work.
- Infographic Design Basics.
- Media Workout: how to be impactful in TV, radio or press interviews.
In order to apply, candidates are invited to complete the online form and submit their application before 8 January 2021 (included).
See the EuroMeSCo Workout 2021 Terms of Reference for more information.