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IPCRI - Israel/Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives
Mission and objectives
IPCRI is a joint Israeli-Palestinian public policy think tank and do-tank dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Founded in Jerusalem in 1988, the center´s main aim is to promote cross boundary cooperation among and between Israeli and Palestinian civil society, government, business and academia. In 2013, IPCRI changed its name (but not its acronym) to Israel-Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives (from Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information) adding the extra dimension of cross boundary cooperation between all of the States in the region, with a main focus on Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt.
IPCRI engages in applied and practical programs of cooperation across borders in a wide range of fields including security and strategic affairs, economic and trade policies, environment and water, education, and creating and supporting initiatives for innovative initiatives.
IPCRI is devoted to developing practical solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recognising the rights and ambitions of the Jewish and Palestinian peoples to fulfill their national interests of self-determination, IPCRI promotes the basis of “two states for two peoples” as the framework of a solution.