EPC – European Policy Centre
  • Full members
  • Steering Committee

EPC - European Policy Centre

Mission and objectives

The EPC is an independent, not-for-profit think tank dedicated to fostering European integration through analysis and debate, supporting and challenging European decision-makers at all levels to make informed decisions, and providing a platform for engaging partners, stakeholders and citizens in EU policy-making and in the debate about the future of Europe. The EPC not only gives its members, decision-makers in Brussels and beyond, and the public at large the tools to understand the complex world of EU politics, but also the opportunity to actively help shape developments on the European stage.

The EPC’s work is organised under five flagship programmes addressing the key challenges facing the EU: European Politics and Institutions; European Migration and Diversity; Europe in the World; Sustainable Prosperity for Europe; Social Europe & Well-Being. The EPC’s multi-constituency approach, involving its broad-based members in all its debates and in shaping its policy recommendations, ensures a broad foundation for the programmes and a solid link to the ‘real world’ of EU politics.

One of the EPC’s core focus is on Euro-Mediterranean relations, with a particular angle on EU foreign policies and initiatives, such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean, also in the context of the creation of the European External Action Service. Within this framework some key areas are addressed: political relations, human rights and democracy, foreign policies of the member states, development policies and the growing role of investment, the external dimension of the EU’s migration policies, migration patterns and some selected  socio- economic and demographic issues.

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