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ECDPM - European Centre for Development Policy Management
Mission and objectives
The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is an independent ‘think and do tank’ working on international cooperation and development policy in Europe and Africa.
It provides research, advice and practical support to policymakers, advisors and practitioners in Europe, Africa and beyond – in order to make policies work for sustainable and inclusive global development. Its main areas of work include EU external affairs, peace and security, African institutions, migration, food security, economic transformation and economic diplomacy.
ECDPM aims to make policies work by providing relevant, timely and practical policy analysis and information to key audiences in Europe and Africa; facilitating policy dialogue amongst global actors in development and international relations; providing practical and tailored policy research and independent advice; supporting capacity and institutional development for government and non-governmental organisations; and engaging for the long-term with the policy processes and adopting a long-term perspective to development.