- Full members
CERSS - Centre d'études et de recherches en sciences sociales
Mission and objectives
The Centre d’études et de recherches en sciences sociales is an independent research organisation based in Rabat. Opened to its national, Euro-Mediterranean and international partners, the Center has the ambition to share with its Moroccan and foreign counterparts knowledge on current national and international issues and to promote academic exchange with researchers and experts from other European or MENA countries, with a view to publicizing the “Southern” point of view on the issues related to the Barcelona process.
The Centre main activities are: Producing periodicals and collective works and promoting scientific production in the areas of democratization, development, security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region in particular; Organizing and participating in national and international round tables, seminars and symposia on development, security and international and Euro-Mediterranean cooperation; Providing consultation and expertise in areas of interest to the CERSS; Providing support to projects aimed at strengthening the capacities of political and development actors.