Towards More Robust EU-Jordan Trade: Challenges and Prospects
The EuroMeSCo Back to the Field Session, “Towards More Robust EU-Jordan Trade: Challenges and Prospects”, aims to bring together expert stakeholders from the EU-Jordan trade community. In collaboration with the WANA Institute in Jordan, the session will focus on trade cooperation through an open and evidence-based dialogue on the dimensions of EU-Jordan trade and the main obstacles for growth.
The EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey’s Back to the Field Sessions, organised in the framework of the EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots project, give the experts of analytical articles of the survey report the opportunity to present their contribution and the publication as a whole to their respective constituencies with the aim of raising awareness among relevant local stakeholders.
The EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey builds on an accumulated 10 years’ experience of the IEMed’s Euromed Survey and aims to generate first-hand data and evidence on European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) related policies and priorities that can be of direct use for policy- makers and for other stakeholders, and contribute to evidence-based research and inclusive policy- making. It also serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness among various constituencies such as academia, media, NGOs, companies, international organisations, governments´ representatives and diplomats familiar with regional and national ENP South issues to mobilisze experts, giving them the possibility to express their assessment and, perception and put forward recommendations.