Policy Debate: Great Expectations: Defining a Trans-Mediterranean Cybersecurity Agenda
29 June 2021
Online Event
This event aims to foster evidenced-based policymaking by presenting the main findings and recommendations of the EuroMeSCo Policy Study on Great Expectations: Defining a Trans-Mediterranean Cybersecurity Agenda to an audience of EU officials and key policy stakeholders.
This Policy Study is the result of a joint research effort carried out by a multidisciplinary and international group of experts from all over the Euro-Mediterranean region. This Joint Study Group has been coordinated by Patrik Pawlak (Brussels Executive Officer, EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)), with contributions by and composed of Adel Abdel-Sadek (ACPSS), Samuele Dominioni (ISPI) and Alexandra Laban (Sofreco).
The Policy Debates are small-sized closed-door meetings held under Chatham House rules.
Sabine Zwaenepoel
Senior Expert and Team Leader of the Centre of Thematic Expertise on Crisis Reaction and Security Sector Reform